5 ways how to handle heartbreak in a relationship

Most times romantic relationships can also turn sore and you begin to see all the sweetness and exciting feelings vanished. When two people who truly love each other path ways  it always results to heartbreak. 

Heartbreak can be caused by so many factors in a relationship; ranging from when one's partner becomes unfaithful, starts telling so much lies or caught doing things that the other spouse doesn't like or want.

When a person is heartbroken the next option is how to get over it and start a new life, either you forgive and continue with the relationship or choose to end it for good. Otherwise depression and so many psychological trauma can follow as suit.

So I made an estimate of ways to handle heartbreak in a relationship, which can also help you overcoming depression as well.


When you're facing heartbreak of any kind, what you need to do is accept the fact that the person who broke up with you or cause your heartbreaking doesn't deserve your heart. "If you cherish something you have to secure and protect it ", so for any reason someone you love decides to break up with you the best thing to do is move on with your life.

The truth still remains that moving on without the love of your life can be very difficult, but if you acknowledge the fact that they never wanted you in the first place then taking that bold step is just by making up your mind about it.

Now what do I really mean by acceptance and moving on ? 

" Around 2017, Me and my ex-girlfriend had some issues which lead to one thing or the other and upon all my pleading she still broke up with me, it was my first ever relationship and you could imagine what I felt during those times. I begged and sent countless of messages, sent flowers and asked my friends who knew about our relationship to help me apologize, but it all fell on deaf ears I realized her mind was made up already. For months I couldn't accept the fact that life would be easy without her, but eventually I had to take a bold step and know the world for what it is by creating more time for myself and also meeting new people".


The next way to handle heartbreak in a relationship is by either relocating to a new environment where you don't get to see more of the things that reminds you of the person that broke your heart or you go out and make New friends who don't also remind you of the past.

I won't assure you that the thoughts of what happened in the past won't cross your mind unless you want your brain to be wiped out of all your memories.

When you go to another environment, the feeling of a new beginning develops and all you think about that moment is how to achieve your lost glory. In addition, when you choose relocate you have to do things outside the cycle of what you do in the past and start a new beginning, things like getting a new job where you constantly have to mingle with other people who keep reminding you of how good of a person you are. Build positivity and keep the dark part of the past where it belongs.


When you allow the situations of things happening in your life to anchor so much dept in you the results always turns negative.  Grab every moment and make proper use of the situations. How do I mean by this; because your partner broke up with you or did something that broke your heart shouldn't lead you to become so extra vulnerable.

The moment people discover your soft spots, they tend to use them against your biden or principle. Take every moment to build yourself for the better, because nothing really last forever. Also assure yourself that you are greater than that situation and you're surely going to Overcome.


if you discover you are being greatly affected by any heartbreak and it's giving you sleepless nights and making you loose more weight, I recommend you see a psychologist to talk to you about certain things you are passing through.

Emotional traumatization can lead a person into grave danger and if not treated properly, it might cause depression and so many health related issues.


Do you know if you truly love a person you dedicate 70% of all your love, support and attention on them.? Now if he or she decides to reward you by treating you like trash this is the best time to care for yourself and shower that love, attention and support on yourself. 

You can't give what you don't have that's just the fact. You need to learn to love and adore yourself before it can be extended to others.

People treat you the way you treat yourself and if you feel you deserve better then you will receive much love and kindness in the nearest future. So the moment a person breaks up with you or breaks yours heart, instead of crying over spilt milk you should seize the opportunity to really look out for yourself because you deserve much better than you get and at the end you're all you've got...

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